
a little bit of fiction, poetry, artwork, and life in general


"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it is about learning to dance in the rain" (unknown)

"Without Darkness, there would be no Light" (unknown)

Monday, December 3, 2018

Slumbering Prison

Sleep's seduction greeted her;
Lights danced in a galaxy of stars,
Undulating, carrying her across worlds...
Mist filled forests and sapphire seas
Beguiling castles amongst rolling hills,
Enchanting adventures
Reclaimed joy, while imprisoning her mind

Art by Josephine Wall

Anyone who suffers from depression knows just how seductive sleep can be. We are so weary, body and soul, that we are physically and mentally exhausted... we crave sleep and if left alone, we will easily sleep our life away. 

In addition to just feeling worn out, we also suffer a bleak existence that mostly exhists in our mind, pulling us ever deeper into its dark abyss... a whirlpool of negativity, sucking you deeper. Depression is a slippery prison... hard to swim out of. No matter how hard you try to paddle, you are pulled down by its current.

Sleep not only gives us the rest we physically and desperately need, but it also serves as an escape from our bleak mundane life. Sleep becomes a drug, addictive, and never quite satisfying enough; we always want more.


  1. The symptoms of depression, the way it sucks energy... has always make me admire people who fight for balance everyday, who get up and do what they must when in truth all they want is more sleep... Seduction is hard to resist, especially when what it offers feels a lot better than what one has.

    Depression is a bastard. And I admire you for fighting it with tooth and claw.

    1. Coming from you, that means alot to me. Thank you Magaly ♡
