Thursday, February 7, 2019

Creating Beauty From Pain

In her recent blog post, Rommy asked her readers what our favorite way to express ourselves is.

Mine is drawing and painting. These are a few. As you can see, my art varies. I am inspired by things I see online and in nature,  and sometimes by my mood. Being as I am often struggling my way through this lifetime, I tend to strive towards creating beauty and peace... something I crave in my life, but seldom obtain. It lifts my mood to be able to create something beautiful out of pain and distress.



  1. I really like the wide range of styles of artwork you have displayed. You are quite a versatile artist. I keep going back to the hawk drawing.

    1. Thank you Rommy. Hawks are one of my faves, right up there with Ravens and owls.

  2. I second and third and even thirteenth these thoughts. Your art is always peaceful. I love how almost all your pieces gently nudge the one enjoying them towards a meditative state. Just soothing.
