Wednesday, April 8, 2015


It felt as though his cruel "love"
pierced her soft heart like so many blades of glass,
Ripping open old wounds,
tearing fresh bloody gashes
deep into her core

Spiteful words attacked,
she was degraded as a mother, a lover,
a human being,
Spirit crushed ...for a time.

Battered by callous disregard,
malaise stoked anger's flames, 
birthing strength.

A victim no longer,
casting the abuser out,
terminating his miserable reign.

Determined, strong, and wise
an independent woman 
walked away 
with chin held high,
a spring in her step,

This poem was inspired by Magaly Guerro's prompt: It hurts but it Doesn't Harm, part of NaPoWriMo 2015


  1. "pierced her soft heart like so many blades of glass,
    Ripping open old wounds,
    tearing fresh bloody gashes
    deep into her core"

    Such painful imagery. The idea of getting cut with a blade of grass all the way to the core is terrifying: it would have to be done so slow, so deliberate... so much pain.

    1. It was a painful period of my life, but he didn't destroy me :)

  2. So empowering and visually provocative (pics created in my head by your poem) stunning!

  3. AWESOME!!! I love to see the strength emerge. Stay proud :D XXXX

  4. I agree with Magaly - that's seriously powerful imagery

  5. A conjuration of strength from words. This was really good.
